extraction zone in Chinese
- 挤塑机排气段
- "extraction" in Chinese : n. 1.抽出,拔出。 2.【化学】提取(法);萃取(法 ...
- "zone" in Chinese : n. 1.【地理】(地)带。 2.区域,范围,界。 3. ...
- "zone extraction" in Chinese : 区域录取
- "all-zone extraction" in Chinese : 全空域录取
- "extraction" in Chinese : n. 1.抽出,拔出。 2.【化学】提取(法);萃取(法);回收物,提出物; ...
- "extraction ()" in Chinese : 引出运算子
- "t zone" in Chinese : 移行区
- "the zone" in Chinese : 危险地带
- "zone" in Chinese : n. 1.【地理】(地)带。 2.区域,范围,界。 3.〔古、诗〕(腰)带。 ...
- "a painlell extraction" in Chinese : 无痛拔牙
- "absorption extraction" in Chinese : 吸收分离; 吸收萃取
- "absorptive extraction" in Chinese : 吸收抽提; 吸收提取
- "acetone extraction" in Chinese : 丙酮抽提
- "acid extraction" in Chinese : 加酸器; 酸提取; 酸提痊酸萃取; 酸性萃取; 酸萃取
- "actual extraction" in Chinese : 实际提取率
Other Languages
- "extraction zone" meaning: [Defence] (*) A specified drop zone used for the delivery...
"extraction bath" in Chinese, "extraction raffinate" in Chinese, "extraction well" in Chinese, "extraction duct" in Chinese, "theme extraction" in Chinese, "paper extraction" in Chinese, "extraction isotherm" in Chinese, "extraction thimble" in Chinese, "automatic extraction" in Chinese, "extraction volumetric method" in Chinese, "extraction with cold fat" in Chinese, "extraction with stowing" in Chinese, "extraction yield" in Chinese, "extraction-contamination problem" in Chinese, "extraction-free wood" in Chinese, "extraction-reinjection cycle" in Chinese, "extraction-separation method" in Chinese, "extraction; disjunction" in Chinese,
- "extraction volumetric method" in Chinese
- "extraction well" in Chinese
- "extraction with cold fat" in Chinese
- "extraction with stowing" in Chinese
- "extraction yield" in Chinese
- "extraction-contamination problem" in Chinese
- "extraction-free wood" in Chinese
- "extraction-reinjection cycle" in Chinese
- "extraction-separation method" in Chinese
What is the meaning of extraction zone in Chinese and how to say extraction zone in Chinese? extraction zone Chinese meaning, extraction zone的中文,extraction zone的中文,extraction zone的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.